Litigation Attorney Salaries


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, litigation attorney salaries are $36,030 on average. While these are lower than the national average, they are still higher than other attorneys. The highest-paid litigators are employed by Godosky & Gentile and the lowest-paid work for Brand, Glick & Brand. These are just a few examples of the types of cases that are commonly handled by litigation lawyers.

In Brooklyn, NY, the median litigation attorney salary is $50,050 per year.

However, many attorneys do not set a fixed annual income; instead, they earn a percentage of the settlement. Lawyers working for nonprofit organizations typically earn lower wages than those working for big law firms. Civil rights lawyers defend the civil rights of citizens, bringing lawsuits against companies, individuals, and government agencies. These cases can involve race, age, gender, and even law enforcement practices.

Compared to their counterparts in business and other fields, civil rights attorneys earn less. On average, they make an annual salary of $87,823, although the most successful and experienced lawyers can make up to $230,000 annually. These lawyers often work in nonprofit organizations, and their salaries are lower than those in large law firms. On the other hand, lawyers in the field of civil rights law defend the civil rights of the public. They often work on cases that involve discrimination based on age, gender, or race.

While there is no standard annual compensation for a civil rights attorney, the average annual income for these attorneys is $87,826, with experienced lawyers earning over $200,000 per year.

The top earners are usually those who work for government organizations or federal agencies. As a result, these attorneys tend to earn much lower salaries than their counterparts in big law firms. And if you’re looking for a challenging career, you may want to consider becoming a civil rights lawyer. This area of the legal profession offers a great opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing a career in this area.

As a general rule, attorneys in the field of civil rights earn less than their counterparts in other areas of law. On average, a civil rights lawyer earns about $85,000 a year, while a lawyer working for the federal government earns $130,210. These are very similar positions in terms of salary, so they are typically worth the same or even higher. If you want to be a litigation attorney, you can also work in Brooklyn.

As a general rule, the average litigation attorney salary in Brooklyn is about $50,000 per year.

However, many attorneys work for non-profit organizations and receive lower salaries than those working in large law firms. While the average income for a litigation attorney is low in NYC, some of the highest-paid attorneys work for state and federal government agencies. On average, an experienced lawyer will earn between $130,210 and $52,190 per year. This type of job typically involves a lot of travel, so the lawyer must be available to travel often.

There are many types of litigators. The average income for a litigation attorney is $52,000 per year. However, the average salary for a civil rights attorney is lower than the average for an insurance lawyer. A litigator will make between $50,000 and $200,000 a year for a lawsuit involving the rights of a person. A civil rights lawyer can earn a salary between $130,210 and $52,190 a day.

The average annual salary for a litigation attorney in Brooklyn is $50,000.

However, many attorneys do not have a set income but earn a percentage of the settlement they win. A personal injury lawyer who works for a non-profit organization may earn less than those who work for large law firms. A civil rights lawyer’s salary varies based on the type of case. A civil rights lawyer can make up to $130,210 per year.

In Brooklyn, NY, litigation attorneys make an average of $50,060 per year. While the salary range for this type of attorney may vary widely, the average yearly income for this profession ranges from $47,580 to $54,308. While many lawyers do not have a set salary, it is important to note that they can earn up to $100,000. If they have a law degree, they will usually earn more than an associate’s degree in law.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, litigation attorney salaries are $36,030 on average. While these are lower than the national average, they are still higher than other attorneys. The highest-paid litigators are employed by Godosky & Gentile and the lowest-paid work for Brand, Glick & Brand. These are just a few examples of…

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