Coast Professional Lawsuit
- by Ayden
What Can a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Do For Me?
Many of you may have heard about the case of David Riehworthy who beat his personal injury lawsuit against a large insurance company. The story made national news and the coverage were widespread. This case is widely publicized as an example of how a professional lawsuit worker can win a lawsuit even after a large insurance firm has a large amount of money invested in its side of the case. However, is this truly the truth? Is it possible to use insurance as a defense in a lawsuit?
What many people do not realize is that insurance companies are required by law to assist plaintiffs in personal injury claims if they are unable to pay for their own legal representation. It is not an obligation that they take on their own responsibility. It is simply a privilege that they must exercise if they choose to accept any settlement. Insurance companies are run by human beings just like us. They have human emotions just like us.
This does not mean that they will intentionally or secretly try to avoid paying you a settlement. On the contrary, insurance companies work very hard to ensure that they only have to pay a fraction of what you deserve. In essence, they are always looking to minimize their liability exposure in lawsuits. In many ways, they are quite fair. After all, they have assets that could be at risk if they lose a lawsuit.
Yet, they also want to have the ability to collect from those who they have injured. The unfortunate thing is that these same human beings often do not fully comprehend what a lawsuit entails and they tend to think that insurance is their friend. In other words, the insurance company’s goal is to see that you get the maximum recovery on your claim. If the process is slowed down because you are unable to retain an attorney who is experienced in litigating insurance-related lawsuits, then the insurance company does not gain anything.
The good news for you is that if you have been injured by the negligent actions of another party, then you may be able to bring a lawsuit against them on your own behalf. When you choose to pursue such a lawsuit, you should contact a qualified and experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in the area of medical malpractice cases. You should make sure that your attorney has experience dealing with the specific issues associated with your particular type of case, as not all law firms specialize in these types of lawsuits. The Coast Professional Litigation Services firm, however, does have lawyers who are experts in handling these types of lawsuits.
The attorney will carefully examine all the facts that you need to present in order to support your claim. At the same time, he or she will communicate with you about your rights as well as your obligations to the insurance company and your fellow citizens. A lawyer can help you understand whether you have a case, how likely it is that you will succeed, and how to maximize your chances of success. If you are faced with an insurance company’s refusal to acknowledge your claim, the services of a professional legal representative can help.
What Can a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Do For Me? Many of you may have heard about the case of David Riehworthy who beat his personal injury lawsuit against a large insurance company. The story made national news and the coverage were widespread. This case is widely publicized as an example of how a professional lawsuit…
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